Thank You Sue of Cinnamon Creek don't you just love the sound of that Blog!
for this wonderful award.
Once awarded this award you need to:-
- Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this - Check
- Share 8 things about yourself - Check (see below)
- Award it to 8 Bloggers who you have recently discovered - Check (again see below)
- Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards - Doing that now
Eight things not a lot of people know about me
I have finally managed to make a good pot of jam
I have a cat called The Reverend Whisper
I have 3 gorgeous girlies and 1 handsome young man
I Love the colour blue!
I like to walk on a windswept beach (corny but true)
I love making anything with my kiddies although their timing is usually awful
I adore real coffee
and one thing I detest is food shopping cos everyone you meet is so miserable(I usually grin maniacally at the worst offenders)
So there you are stuff about me and now onto my list of eight bloggers whose blogspots really hit the spot. Love your projects ladies!
Do have a look at these ladies creations , they are all inspirational!
Heidi xx
Hi Heidi, I dont know what to say, but a very big thank you for this award, I must be honest this is the first time Ive been to your blog and Ive got to say if youve only been blogging for a short time It doesnt show, your work is stunning and beautifully done, I will be back to visit more often now, so keep your eyes open and thank you again for thinking of me. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx
Morning Heidi
A very beleated, but non the less very warm thank you for being so kind thinking of me when passing this on.
I will ensure to mention in when I do my next post which should be tomorrow.
B x
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